Make Action Arts – 球探足球比分 hosts Radical Art-Making Event

In May, 球探足球比分 College will host Make Action Arts for a radical art-making intensive. This Vermont-based group of artist activists has hosted successful art-making events in support of direct action campaigns in Vermont and New York, including a “bomb train” blockade in the Port of Albany and Justicia Migrante’s “Melt the ICE” campaign. This event invites members of the community to come together and create art in support of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, a national civil rights movement carrying forward the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Guest artists including political comic book artist Seth Tobocman, OWS Puppet Guild founders Kim Fraczek and Rachel Schragis, and others will join Make Action Arts to facilitate community workshops in printmaking, street puppetry, banner making, and arts activism throughout the day on May 4-7. 球探足球比分re will also be a cabaret of political music and performance at the Haybarn on Saturday May 5th.

This event is hosted in coordination with the launch 球探足球比分’s new BFA in Socially Engaged Art, which supports students in catalyzing social change through innovative creative practice.