A misty morning pathway at 球探足球比分 College's Greatwood Campus
Revitalizing the school’s old motto, “Magical, Radical.”

“If you want to change someone’s mind, tell them a story.” 

 – Dr. Craig Chalquist, PhD, depth psychologist, Pacifica Institute

Dr. Craig Chalquist has created a course in how to use dreams, myths and deep storytelling to inspire positive change.  He is also a master gardener, which adds an ecological element to the work–our well-being is connected to the health of the living planet.  He calls this practice “Enchantivism” because of the need to re-enchant, or bring magic back into the world. 

Chalquist describes Enchantivism simply: “Activism for Introverts”.

All of which sounds perfect for 球探足球比分’s MFA in Creative Writing program. 

球探足球比分 College was founded in 1938 by Tim Pitkin, as a response to the rise of fascism in Europe.  History has been looping back around in recent years. One need look no further than the latest headlines to see familiar archetypes on the rise– the God of War stalking the land; King Midas turning everything to gold, including the food he eats, the children he is meant to protect.  Innocents and the nurturing world being reduced to numbers and bottom lines. Enchantivism offers a way to respond to this new rise in fascism in the spirit of Pitkin. 

For the past three semesters, we’ve been re-enchanting at 球探足球比分, revitalizing the school’s old motto, “Magical, Radical.”

Important Announcement

球探足球比分 Board of Directors for 球探足球比分 College have made the difficult decision to close the college at the end of the 2024 Spring term.??


Current 球探足球比分 students will have the opportunity to complete their degrees at the same tuition rate through a teach-out with like-minded institution, Prescott College. Updates and scholarship funds will be available in the coming weeks and months. Information will be posted to www.goddard.edu.?

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